Hangzhou A Day with Share Apps

Publish Time:2017-03-22 17:55:10Source:WTCF

【Introduction】:In Hangzhou, one can truly feel how the Internet is influencing people’s life.

This is the birthplace of Alibaba and Kuaidadi (later merged with Diidy, as well as where countless technological enterprises took their roots, new concepts and products are being produced every day, then distributed into every corner of the city, and every aspects of people’s life.

Fewer and fewer youth choose to go work by bus; instead, they use smartphone App to reserve for hitchhiking. When a passing driver picked up the call, the passenger only needs to pay a slightly higher amount than the gas fee to get to their workplace by a clean, comfortable private car. If one wanted to make things even simpler, he or she could also choose a share bicycle which is a common sight across the city. A smartphone scan is all that takes for a portable, prettylooking bike.

At 11:00 am, main crowds on the roads would begin to shift from office workers to take-out delivery men, however, lunch don’t always originate from take-out orders of small restaurant,it could also be made in ordinary families, which consist of retired men, household wives who enjoy cooking, middle-aged women with plenty of time on hand… To order from them, all it would take is a click on a share App, (Huijiachifan, Mishi), and one could then enjoy the most authentic familiar taste. Such Apps are also favored by tourists and travelers.

The real show starts during the evening after working hour. To order meal from a popular restaurant around West Lake (Xihu), one could place a “task” on the App Paotui, asking those who have time to line up. Weather or cellphone battery would never be a problem, as the Alipay map would mark the location of a dozen of rentable umbrellas and portable batteries station around.

If one did not drive, Apps such as Uber or Dididache could always be used to call for cars after the meal, or one could also rely on car-sharing rental App such as Car2Share. Car2Share stations are often nearby, and once the cash is paid through Smartphone App, a QR Code would be provided to get the key beside the car. Besides car-sharing rental platforms, all the governmental public bicycles and electrical car nicknamed “mini-bus” also made transportation a lot more convenient.

On the first day living in Hangzhou, one does not need to drive nor cook by oneself, nor to use any physical cash. All could be realized on Smartphone Apps and payment QR Codes. Through the labor, resource, time shared by others, one can save his own time and effort, making everything simpler and more effective, thus providing an easier, more amusing life.

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