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Kollwitzplatz + Schönhauser Allee

Updated: 2014-06-12 / (visitberlin.de)

Kollwitzplatz is considered one of the most beautiful squares in Berlin. It is a meeting place where young and old, Berliners and visitors can enjoy the life here together. The numerous restaurants, cafés and bars in the Kollwitz local neighbourhood today form the centre for the vibrant world in Prenzlauer Berg; on warm summer evenings there’s not a free place to be had anywhere. In Knaakstraße on the corner of Schönhauser Allee, is situated the collection of buildings of the former Schultheiss Brauerei (Brewery), which today is home to a wide-ranging and vigorous culture instead of beer. That’s why it’s called the Kulturbrauerei (Culture Brewery). It’s full of restaurants, bars and clubs, as well as a theatre and cinema; there are also large-scale events, concerts and festivals held in the big courtyard. At the end of a long night partying in Kollwitzplatz, you can just stay there and enjoy an ample breakfast in one of the numerous cafés, drinking latte macchiato through to five o’clock in the afternoon.

Address: Kollwitzplatz 10435 Berlin PRENZLAUER BERG



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