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Langyatai Tourist Area

Updated: 2014-07-02 / (qdta.cn)

Langyatai Tourist Area is situated 26 km southwest of Jiaonan City. In 1982, the State Council listed it in the first group of national key tourist spots. In 1993, the Qingdao Municipal Government named the area Qingdao Langyatai Tourist Area and, in 2001, the National Tourism Administration listed it as AAA scenic area.


It is now listed as AAAA area. Langyatai is a ceremonial platform built some 2,000 years ago by compacting the soil on Langyashan Mountain. Li Daoyuan, an ancient official, wrote in his book “Shuijing Zhu” that “Langyatai stands out from the other mountains by the seaside, extending 10 miles” “with three layers of foundation of 10 meters each, and a platform on the top of about 200 square steps and 5 miles high.”


The present Langyatai is still defined by three step pyramid-like stairs. It is 183.4 m above sea level. The perimeter of the bottom stage is 7.5 km, and the perimeter of the flat platform is 130 m. The area includes Langyatai and Longwan at the foot of Langyatai, the seaside landscape around Langyatai platform, and the historic relics and natural scenery on Zhaitang Islet in front of the platform.


The Zhaitang (fasting hall) Islet got its name from the legend that Yingzheng, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, fasted on the islet which is 400 meters from the beach with an area of 0.4 sqm. There are three villages with clean streets, new houses, green trees and beautiful scenery. It is the richest islet village in Jiaonan.


The residents on the islet are mainly fishermen. Folk life sightseeing is the major tourist activity here. In the early Zhou Dynasty, Duke Jiang worshipped eight gods here when he was the governor of Qi (presently Shandong). One of the gods was put on Langya Mountain by the Duke. Thereafter, many emperors came here to offer sacrifices to the god.


The King of the Yue Kingdom built a platform on Langya Mountain to welcome his fellow dukes and princes. Yingzheng came to Langyatai three times, staying several months each visit. He brought in 30,000 households from the hinterland to build the platform and made memorial inscriptions on cliffs. Langyatai was also the embarkation point for Xu Fu, a hermit in the Qin Dynasty. He took thousands of boys and girls to Japan.


It is a place frequently visited by scholars and literary celebrities. In this sense, it can be said that Langyatai is a history book and an important cultural resource. Since 1994, the China Xu Fu Association has held several national seminars and symposiums here and the Jiaonan Municipal Government organizes memorial ceremonies each year to commemorate Xu Fu’s sailing journey to Japan.


Telephone number: +86 532-87111111 84119665

Address: Langyatai Town, Jiaonan, Qingdao


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