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Yuanjia Stockade Village

Updated: 2014-07-11 / (wtcf.travel)
[Photo from zhangjiajie.gov.cn]


Yuanjia Stockade Village is located in the Wulingyuan scenic area of Zhangjiajie. It is the only private building preserved in the Yuanjiajie scenic area. It was previously the house of local landlords. It is well preserved and intact, and has now become a place of interest. The house has maintained the architectural features of Tujia people, with eaves deflecting outward and strings of corn and chilies hanging below. Tujia people are hospitable. They like to entertain their guests with homemade wine, and before drinking the wine, they must sing a toasting song. When you’re invited into a local’s home, you will first see a small square table where glasses of wine are placed. After the hostess finishes her toasting, each visitor will drink a cup of wine. The wine contains very little alcohol, thus it is not difficult to drink. We have heard about the three legends of Tujia people—zombies control, wedding lamentation and insect poisoning, which still remain mysterious today.

Western Rancap - a major specialty of Tujia people. Married women weave it with threads in different colors, which is exquisite but time-consuming.

Yuanjia Stockade Village inherits the features of Tujia architecture. The eaves of the village gate point upward, a plaque reading "Yuanjia Stockade Village" is set in the middle, and the two sides are decorated with red lanterns. Strings of golden corn can also be seen hanging on the gate. When guests arrive, the villagers played suona horns and drums to welcome them, making for a very lively event.

Once you enter the village, you will see the statue of a tiger lying there, with a child and a giant ape sitting beside it. This is the totem of Tujia people, who believe tigers and apes are their ancestors. In the village, the history, life habits, and articles of daily use by Tujia people are exhibited. Among them, the weapons used by Tujia people are really grotesque in shape.

You will also see artifacts, charms, drugs and instruments used by Master Tima to control zombies, along with poisons used by Tujia girls for poisoning unfaithful men. Tujia girls also grew up learning how to do brocading and embroidery.

Tourists can learn about the most primitive rice grinding and oil manufacturing technology of Tujia people; and they can have a taste of the Tujia liquor, Tujia ginger candy, Tujia cigarettes, Tujia preserved meat, and Tujia rock agaric, etc. They can also learn about the wedding ceremonies of the Tujia people. The process includes a memorial tablet and an old-fashioned wooden armchair placed in the hall, while the bride is in a sedan in a room to the side. The veiled bride waits in the hall, with a crying girl accompanying by her side. There comes the groom. The groom will wear a hat and a big red flower. During the ceremony, the bride will cry, and so will the accompanying girl, which is for happiness. The groom will console his bride and then lift the veil.

Yuanjia Stockade Village: The villagers live on the cliff of Yuanjiajie. The village had lost contact with the outside world for almost a century, which is why the villagers live the same way as their ancestor did a century ago. Yuanjia Stockade Village is a rare primitive tribe deep in the forest, which still represents the original lifestyle of the Tujia people. It is praised as the newly unearthed cultural landscape of Zhangjiajie.

Location: Yuanjiajie in Wulingyuan Scenic Area


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