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Blitz Megaplex

Updated: 2014-07-14 / (bandungtourism.com)
[Photo from bandungtourism.com
[Photo from bandungtourism.com]

Located in Paris Van Java Mall, the cinemas opened October 16, 2006. Nine screens, with a total seating capacity of 2200 seats. Covering a 7000-square-meter area at the most happening mall in Bandung. Features include: cinema, outdoor stage, cafe, blitzShoppe and blitzPool. Also available from December 2009, a RealD - 3D cinema with 260 seating capacity.

Blitz Megaplex is a chain of movie theaters in Indonesia. As of mid-2011, it has 7 locations with a total of 66 screens with more locations in development. Blitz Megaplex opened its first location in Paris Van Java, Bandung, Indonesia, in November 2006, thus ending a decades-old monopoly of cinema exhibition business in Indonesia. Since then, it has added 6 more locations and is continuously developing new locations all around Indonesia.


Address: Paris Van Java Mall


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