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Postal Museum

Updated: 2014-07-14 / (bandungtourism.com)

[Photo from bandungtourism.com]

[Photo from bandungtourism.com]

Postal Museum, which located not far from Gedung Sate, not loses from the journey of histories Pos Indonesia enterprise. Present since the east, exact on 1933 namely Museum PTT (pos telegraph and telephone) placed right wings under PTT office. This building established on July 27 1920 with wide of the building 706 meters, designed by Architect Ir. J. Berger and Leutdsgebouwdienst with Italian architecture from renaissance and colleted of stamps from any country.

Because of break out the World War II at final 1941, period of Japanese, and independent revolution, cause Museum PTT not be interest, although the existence nearly forgotten. For doing their function as a museum, on 1980 management of Perum Pos and dan Giro formed a unit to rekindle again the existence of Museum PTT. Coincide of the birth day Postel to 38, on September 27, 1983 this museum opening by tourism and telecommunication ministry, Achmad Tahir and namely Museum Pos dan Giro. As one of unit technique organizer of Perum pos dan Giro, museum Pos dan Giro collected some goods which has histories value in journey of Post Indonesia enterprise since the east, Japanese period, independent period, until now, form of picture, market, painting, catalog, also other post tools.

According with the journey and development of post enterprise, since June 20, 1995 name and status of the enterprise exchange from public enterprise Pos dan Giro exchange became PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero), so name of Museum Pos dan Giro change became Pos Indonesia. Character and their function doing by Museum Pos Indonesia continually, beside as place for collection, also included research facilities, education, documentation, information serve, and as special tourism object.

Museum Indonesia opens for public free every day on 09:00 - 16:00 WIB, except on vacation closed. Before enter the museum, available a sculpture has size a part of human body, which is sculpture of Bapak PTT.RI the late Mas Soeharto which made on 1983 by famous artist AD.Pirous.


Hours: every day, 09:00 - 16:00 WIB

Ticket info: free


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