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Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda

Updated: 2014-07-14 / (bandungtourism.com)
[Photo from bandungtourism.com]
[Photo from bandungtourism.com]

Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda is the integrated conservation of natural secondary forest plantations located in Bandung, Indonesia. The extent of 590 hectares stretching from the Dago Pakar to Maribaya. Location of Forest Park Ir. H. Expert Village is Djuanda, Ciburial Village, District Cimenyan, at an altitude of 770 masl to 1330 masl. In the fertile soil there are approximately 2500 species of plants consisting of 40 families and 112 species. Currently managed by the Forest Service Regional Government of West Java Province (previously under the auspices of Perhutanioffice).

Largest park ever built by the Dutch East Indies government in the form of protected forests as protected forests of Mount pulosari. Planting the garden may have been conducted since 1912 in conjunction with the construction of a tunnel intercepts the flow of the river Ci Kapundung (later known as the Cave of the Netherlands), but opening a new protected forest made in 1922. Since the independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1945 is automatically the status of state forest land managed by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia through Djawatan Forestry. Forest area was pioneered its development since 1960 by Mashudi (Governor of West Java), and Ir. Sambas Wirakusumah which at that time served as Administrator of the North London and concurrently Director of the Academy of Forestry Sciences, and received support from Ismail Saleh (Minister of Justice) and Soejarwo (Director General of Forestry Department of Agriculture).

In 1963 most of the protected forest area began to be prepared for Tourism Forest and Botanical Garden. In 1963 at the death of Ir. R. Djoeanda Kartawidjaja (Ir. H. Juanda), the Forest Preserve is immortalized his name to the Botanical Gardens Recreation Ir. H. Djuanda to commemorate his services and then also the street named Dago street Ir. H. Djuanda. To that end, the region began to be planted with trees of a collection of plants from different regions. On August 23, 1965 inaugurated by the Governor as the Botanical Gardens Mashudi Forest Recreation Ir. H. Djuanda which later became Forest Park embryo Ir. H. Djuanda managed by the Forest Service (formerly the Forestry Djawatan West Java). In 1978 the management of the Forest Service (formerly the Forestry Djawatan West Java) Perhutani office submitted to West Java.

In 1980 the Botanic Gardens / Forest Holidays is part of the complex pulosari Mount Forest was designated a park, the Park area of 590 ha Dago waterfall set by decree. Minister of Agriculture No. 575/Kpts/Um/8/1980 dated August 6, 1980. In 1985, Saleh Ismail Mashudi and as a person and Soedjarwo as the Minister of Forestry proposes to change the status of Park Dago waterfall into Forest Park. The proposal was then accepted President Suharto, who later confirmed by Presidential Decree. 3 of 1985 dated January 12, 1985. Inauguration of the Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda held on January 14, 1985 to coincide with the birthday of Ir. H. Djuanda. Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda Forest Park as the first in Indonesia.


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