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Home> Destinations> Asia> Bandung> See> Natural Scene

Curug Omas

Updated: 2014-07-14 / (bandungtourism.com)
[Photo from bandungtourism.com]

Curug Omas is a waterfall coming from the river Cikawari, this waterfall is close to attractions Maribaya. In this waterfall, there are two bridges that can be crossed to get a panoramic view of the waterfall from the top and bottom of the waterfall. Stretching from the base of this waterfall is beautiful rocks.

Distance from Bandung city about 21 miles (15 minute drive by four-wheel vehicles) from Lembang towards the east. Recreation in beautiful scenery and the cool tube, in addition to having a hot spring contains minerals, there are also waterfalls Ciomas as high as 25 meters. For those who love adventure of Maribaya can through the lush hills with pine trees of quinine, walking distance to Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda Arcamanik 5 km or stricken.

In addition to featuring beautiful natural charm, for those of you who like hiking, you can enjoy it here. Of tourist location, we get to Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda with a distance of approximately 5 km. With a decent distance away, you can get your satisfaction for a hobby is a natural adventure.


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