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Home> Destinations> Asia> Bandung> See> Natural Scene

Caringin tilu

Updated: 2014-07-14 / (bandungtourism.com)
[Photo from bandungtourism.com]
[Photo from bandungtourism.com]

Caringin tilu a tourist area in the North Bandung area, precisely located in Region Cimenyan, is about 5 km from Saung Angklung Udjo attractions - Padasuka. Caringin tilu much visited by local tourists, because the scenery is so exotic, daytime and night sights Caringin tilu looks very impressive.

As with other natural tourist sites in Bandung, Caringin tilu also looks less prominent particulars of nature tourism in the mountains that extend its dominant and intertwined with each other, also air-base with pedestals. Geographically the area Caringin tilu included in the North Bandung area. Caringin tilu be one of the best locations to enjoy the natural attractions in the mountain highlands Bandung. From this location also, the horizon from east to west end of the Bandung Basin is confined mountains, clearly visible.

Travel Caringin tilu is like a diamond buried in the mud because it has a tourism potential but has not been exposed to the maximum. Let alone by people outside the city of Bandung, said, Bandung own people frown when much mentioned about Caringin tilu but just a stone's throw away. As has been stated that the administrative area attractions Caringin tilu included in the North Bandung area. To reach the site, access roads would be taken from the nearby city of Bandung. Only takes about 40 minutes from downtown, through the Road Padasuka (Cicaheum) continues to climb to the north. Short trip to arrive to the scene in stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of the city of Bandung.

Address: Region Cimenyan


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