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Home> Destinations> Europe> Dublin> See> Historical

The Bedford Tower

Updated: 2014-07-14 / (visitdublin.com)

[Photo from visitdublin.com]

The Bedford Tower was built over the original twin-towered entrance into Dublin Castle which was equipped with a portcullis and drawbridge and also served as a prison. It was from here that the Irish Crown Jewels were mysteriously stolen in 1907 and have never been recovered since. The building later housed the Genealogical Office which has now been relocated to Kildare Street.

The balcony was often occupied in the British days by army bands playing for military and social occasions.

The statues over the gates are (from the left) Fortitude and Justice. They were sculpted by John Van Nost the Younger in 1753.


Address: Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2

Contact: +353 1 677 7129 dublincastle@opw.ie

Web: www.heritageireland.ie/


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