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Koninklijk Paleis (Royal Palace)

Updated: 2014-07-15 / (iamsterdam.com)

The Koninklijk Paleis (Royal Palace) on Amsterdam’s Dam Square is one of three palaces still in use by the Dutch royal family. It is used for state visits, award ceremonies and other official receptions. When the palace is not being used by the royal family, it is open to the public. Visitors can explore the magnificent interior and discover the rich history of the building.


The Royal Palace served as Amsterdam’s city hall for its first 150 years of existence. It was then used for 5 short years as an imperial palace. In 1808, French conqueror Napoleon appointed his brother Louis as King of the Netherlands and Louis took up residence here. As the empire started to crumble, Louis made a hasty retreat, leaving many of his opulent furnishings behind. Following the departure of the French, the building was used for ceremonies and receptions by the Dutch royal family.

The palace became state property in 1936, and King Willem-Alexander and his family continue to receive important (international) guests here. The palace is open to visitors and regularly host exhibitions, including the Royal Award for Painting each autumn.

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