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Home> Destinations> Europe> Amsterdam> See> Historical

Hollandsche Schouwburg

Updated: 2014-07-15 / (iamsterdam.com)

Photo from iamsterdam.com

Photo from iamsterdam.com

Once a grand theatre, the Hollandsche Schouwburg played a dark role in Amsterdam's history when it became the main deportation centre for Jews during the Holocaust. The Hollandsche Schouwburg now serves as a monument to honour the Dutch Jews who were killed in the Second World War.

Memorial centre

Starting from 1942, it is estimated that between 60,000 to 80,000 Jews were assembled here before being transported to the Westerbork transit camp. The Hollandsche Schouwburg houses an educational exhibition and a memorial centre listing the names of the dead, and an eternal flame burns to honour the 104,000 Dutch Jews who were exterminated in World War II.

Opening Hours

Mo -Su: 11:00 - 17:00 hour; Closed on Saturday 26 April 2014; Closed on Thursday 25 September 2014; Closed on Friday 26 September 2014; Closed on Saturday 4 October 2014; Closed on Thursday 25 December 2014; Closed on Friday 26 December 2014.


Address: Plantage Middenlaan 24,1018 DE AMSTERDAM

Contact: 020 531 0340 info@hollandscheschouwburg.nl

Website: www.hollandscheschouwburg.nl


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