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Home> Destinations> America> Boston> See> Themed Routes

20 Something

Updated: 2014-07-16 / (bostonusa.com)

[Photo from bostonusa.com]

Start your day off with a late breakfast early lunch at North Street Grill, Gaslight Brasserie du Coin or the Beehive.

After you're deliciously full, "For the Love of Beer" go on a tour of the Samuel Adams Brewery, located at 30 Germania Street.

If beer's not your thing, take one of many food tours offered in Boston, Michele Topor's or Yummy Walks!

And then for a less traditional tour, take "The DarkSide of Boston" tour offered by Boston by Foot.

On to dinner, we have a couple suggestions Zocalo, a mexican delight - Toro, grab a few small plates - or the Back Deck, aptly named.

After dinner, it's time to hit the town "The Donkey Show" will get you started with some dancing in the aisles.

After the show, either go out to Scholars AmericanBistro & Cocktail Lounge, Beacon Hill Bistro, or Ned Devine's in FaneuilHall.


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