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Franklin Park Zoo

Updated: 2014-07-16 / (bostonusa.com)

Franklin Park Zoo is a 72-acre site nestled within Boston's historic Franklin Park. Here, guests can experience the most innovative and intimate indoor gorilla exhibit in the world. Visitors to the signature Tropical Forest can stand face-to-face with the Zoo's seven western lowland gorillas at one of five glass viewing stations in the state-of-the-art indoor exhibit. It's a truly unforgettable experience! While at Franklin Park Zoo, be sure to also visit the African lion in the Kalahari Kingdom, the tigers in the Tiger Tales exhibit, the Masai giraffes and Grevy's zebra on the Giraffe Savannah, and the many other remarkable species that call the Zoo home.

Now Open at Franklin Park Zoo: Aussie Aviary

This brand new exhibit provides a memorable, interactive experience for Zoo guests, who are able to stroll through the space among hundreds of brightly-colored budgies. Budgerigars, affectionately called budgies, are also known as grass parakeets and are a variety of small slender parrots with long, tapering tails. As part of the experience, guests have the opportunity to purchase seed sticks and feed the birds as they walk through the free-flight exhibit. It’s an experience not to be missed! Visit www.franklinparkzoo.org

Address: One Franklin Park Road Boston, MA 02121

Neighborhood: Boston - Dorchester

Contact: 617-541-LION

Fax: 617-989-2025


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