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Home> Destinations> America> Boston> Experience> Art Venues

Boston Ballet

Updated: 2014-07-16 / (bostonusa.com)

Since 1963, Boston Ballet has been one of the leading dance companies in the world on stage, in the studio and in the community. Under the leadership of Artistic Director Mikko Nissinen and Executive Director Barry Hughson, the Company maintains an internationally acclaimed repertoire and the largest ballet school in North America, Boston Ballet School.

Boston Ballet maintains a repertoire of classical, neo-classical and contemporary works, ranging from full-length story ballets to new works by some of today's finest choreographers.

Join us for the 2012-2013 season! With company premieres from world renowned choreographers Jiří Kylián and Jorma Elo, family favorites The Sleeping Beauty, Coppelia, and the brand new Nutcracker, there is something for everyone! Visit www.bostonballet.org for more information.


Address: 19 Clarendon Street Boston, MA 02116

Neighborhood: Boston - South End

Phone: 617-695-6955

Fax: 617-695-6954


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