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Home> Destinations> America> Boston> Experience> Festivals

Boston Pride Festival

Updated: 2014-07-16 / (bostonusa.com)

[Photo from bostonusa.com]

[Photo from bostonusa.com]

Festival Location

The Festival is located at City Hall Plaza, the last stop on the Parade route. Here you will find the stage (for entertainment!), the Beer and Wine Lounge (for the 21+ crowd!), over 130 vendors, and the Family Fun Zone (All ages are welcome!).


It is strongly recommended that you arrive at the Boston Pride Festival by "T". Given the large amount of people present in the city for the day's events, traffic will likely be highly congested and parking will be limited.

By T: Take the Green or Blue lines to Government Center. Upon exiting the train station, the Festival is straight ahead on City Hall Plaza.


Boston Pride Festival hosts an array of entertainment on its main stage. This year, Boston Pride is delighted to welcome Karmin, with hits such as "Hello" and "Brokenhearted," as headliners on the Pride Stage! Click here for the full line-up.


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