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Home> Destinations> Asia> Almaty> See> Themed Routes

Almaty Mountain Surroundings Tour

Updated: 2014-07-16 / (almaty-kazakhstan.net)

This tour provides you the best opportunity to see the beautiful mountain surroundings of Almaty city.

The first stop of the tour awaits you on the huge dam in the Medeo Gorge, which protects the city from destructive mudflows formed on the tops of the western Tien Shan. On the top of the dam, at the altitude of 1733 meters above sea level, you will enjoy an amazing panorama of the largest high mountain skating rink in the world – Medeo, surrounded by wonderful mountains of Trans-Ili Alatau.

Next destination is Chimbulak ski resort, located at an altitude of 2,230 meters above sea level. It is very popular for its mild climate, large quantity of sunny days and snow through the winter and remarkable scenery of mountain ranges.

Then your mountain adventure continues at the top of Kok-Tobe hill, which offers an unforgettable panorama of Almaty. At the foot of the tallest TV tower in the world you can stroll along the winding paths of the Kok-Tobe park, see the monument devoted to “The Beatles” (the only one in CIS countries) and visit the shop of national souvenirs.

The tour ends with the short ride from the top of the hill to the center of the city by the famous Almaty cableway.


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