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Home> Destinations> Asia> Almaty> See> Themed Routes

Almaty City Tour

Updated: 2014-07-16 / (almaty-kazakhstan.net)

The tour starts with sightseeing in the central part of Almaty. You will know more about history and development of the southern capital of Kazakhstan and see its major attractions: Central State Museum, Palace of President, Republic Square and Monument of Independence, Abai Opera and Ballet Theatre, Astana Square, Almaty Railway Station, Central Mosque, Green Bazaar, Panfilov Park, Abai Square and Palace of Republic.

After exploration of the sport, cultural and business areas of the city (Sport Palace, Central Stadium, Kazakh Circus, Wedding Palace, Auezov Drama Theater, Almaty Towers, Nurlytau Business Center, Financial Center, Kok-Tobe Hill), the tour route will take you to the Medeo Gorge, where you will have a brief stop on the huge Medeo dam, which protects the city from destructive mudflows formed on the tops of the western Tien Shan.

On the top of the dam, at the altitude of 1,733 meters above sea level, you will enjoy an amazing panorama of the largest high mountain skating rink in the world – Medeo, surrounded by wonderful mountains of Trans-Ili Alatau.


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