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Home> Destinations> Asia> Almaty> See> Museums

Kazakh Museum of Folk Musical Instruments

Updated: 2014-07-16 / (almaty-kazakhstan.net)
[photo from almaty-kazakhstan.net]

Have you ever heard the names like Konyrau, Sazgen, Zhetigen, Asatayak, no? Then come to the museum and show to your children the folk musical instruments that the museum has to offer. You will be impressed by the new updated and renovated exposition.

For adults and children there are thematic excursion programs, master-classes on playing folk instruments and participation in theatrical performances and concerts of the ethno-folk group “Turan”.

The museum offers its halls for conducting children’s birthday parties. Let your kids not only play with their favorite cartoon heroes, but also commit together with them an entertaining journey into the world of culture and music of their ancestors.

Also the cozy Concert Hall of the museum provides a platform for private concerts, weddings, celebrations and corporate events, national ceremonies, fashion shows, as well as seminars and trainings.

There is a lecture hall with subscription programs and special projects for children.

Opening Times:

Tuesday to Sunday 10am to 7pm

Monday closed

Location: Panfilov Park



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