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Home> Destinations> Europe> Geneva> Experience> Art Venues

Centre d'Art Contemporain

Updated: 2014-07-17 / (geneve-tourisme.ch)

[Photo from geneve-tourisme.ch]

Where artists and public meet.

A centre at the cutting edge of the avant-garde movement, exhibiting the most beautiful works by Genevan and international contemporary artists.

For almost 40 years, the Centre of Contemporary Art has been at the cutting edge of production, research and experimentation. All sectors of modern art are represented: architecture, dance, design, drawing, new media, installation, music, painting, performance, photography, sculpture and video. They form the wider cultural context, presented to the public through the production of art books and exhibitions in a welcoming venue. Events parallel to exhibitions and children's workshops delight both young and old.


Mobility Impaired access

Address: Rue des Vieux-Grenadiers 10 1205 Genève

Situation: Town Centre - Bains District

Direction: Lines: 2, 19, 27, stop Bains


Web: www.centre.ch

Facebook: www.facebook.com/CentredArtContemporainGeneve

Email: info(at)centre.ch

Tel.: +41 22 329 18 42

Price:Adult: 5 CHF


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