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Home> Destinations> Europe> Valletta> See> Museums

Malta Maritime Museum

Updated: 2014-07-17 / (visitmalta.com)

[Photo from visitmalta.com]

The Maritime Museum charts Malta’s maritime history and lore within a Mediterranean context, illustrating the global nature of seafaring and its impact on society.

The Anadrian Hall exhibits the engine room machinery of the Anadrian, a steam-driven grab dredger built in 1951 for Malta by the Fergusson Brothers of Port Glasgow. The first floor houses a display on the Merchant Navy and exhibits a collection of detailed ship replicas and paintings illustrating 19th and 20th century vessels, most of which served on the Malta run. The Main Hall illustrates developments from ancient times to the end of the rule of the Order of St. John in Malta. Navigational charts, nautical instruments and a series of portraits set the scene for the navy of the Order of St. John. Another hall presents an overview of Malta as a naval base, depicting aspects of naval and civilian life, both at leisure and at work.

Hours: Monday to Sunday,9.00-17.00;

Last admission: 16.30;

Closed: 24, 25 & 31 December, 1 January, Good Friday

Contacts: 356 22954000


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