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Home> Destinations> Europe> Valletta> See> Museums

Cathedral Museum

Updated: 2014-07-17 / (visitmalta.com)

[Photo from visitmalta.com]

The Gozo Cathedral Museum has more than 2000 items on display, including the Cathedral’s archives, magnificent paintings, clerical vestments and a silver vault. Among the paintings are several by well-known local artists: Giuseppe Hyzler, Michele Busetti and Tommaso Medion.

Constructed between 1697 and 1711, the Cathedral is a fine Baroque structure in the form of the Latin cross and is built entirely from the local limestone. The sanctuary was built on the plans of the Maltese architect, Lorenzo Gafa. A tall belfry with five bells at the back of the Cathedral replaces the more traditional and common two belfries at the front, while a 1739 painting on the interior of the temple gives the impression of a dome, when in reality the roof of the building is flat. Another attraction of the Cathedral is the statue of Santa Marija (The Assumption of Our Lady), which was undertaken in Rome in 1897.

Hours: Monday to Sunday: 9.00-17.00; Last admission: 16.30

Contacts: 356 21556087


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