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Home> Destinations> Europe> Valletta> Eat and Drink

Cordial Restaurant

Updated: 2014-07-17 / (tripadvisor.com)

[Photo from tripadvisor.com]

Cordial Restaurant is a quaint bistro in the heart of the city of Valletta. Nationally well-known French Chef Cyrille Darras' cuisine is authentic, genuine and which uses only the freshest of ingredients. The delicacies vary greatly between succulent Chateaubriand, mouthwatering home made raviolis and fresh fish and shellfish always available. This charming restaurant is run by two dynamic women who want nothing more then to see foodlovers passing their threshold. Good selection of wine.

Cuisines: French, Mediterranean

Address: Old theater street | across Manoel theater in the heart of Valletta, Valletta, Island of Malta, Malta

Contacts: 35621239576


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