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Home> Destinations> Europe> Valletta> Experience


Updated: 2014-07-17 / (visitmalta.com)

[Photo from visitmalta.com]

Ghanafest is a three-day manifestation of Maltese folk singing (known as Għana in Maltese) which takes place every year in June. The festival is a wonderful event for the whole family, complemented by traditional Maltese food and the marvellous surroundings of the Argotti Botanical Gardens in Floriana.

GĦANAFEST offers a unique opportunity to experience the different styles of għana. Besides Maltese folk music, the festival presents a programme of local musicians and ensembles.

Maltese folk singing has various genres e.g.‘Għana tal-Fatt', whereby the singer recounts a story in verses that relate to a tragic past event. Another genre is ‘Għana spirtu pront': two singers hit out at each other with sharp and witty retorts as one sings out and the other responds with spontaneously thought out lyrics; and 'Għana fl-għoli' wherein the stanzas are sung in an extremely high note /pitch remotely similar to a flamenco folk song - this singing is also known as ala Bormliża.

A variety of foreign folk singers and musicians hailing from various countries in the Mediterranean also participate in this festival. Throughout the three days of the festival, there will also be a series of crafts demonstrations on various stands.


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