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About Houston

Updated: 2014-07-21 / (visithoustontexas.com)





City Introduction

Huston is the most populous city in Texas, and the biggest economic center along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Huston is known in the world for its energy (oil in particular), aeronautic industry, and canal transportation. It is the sixth largest port in the world, and the busiest one in the United States. Therefore, different from the natural and humanities landscape of other tourism cities, Huston is a city of modernization, renowned for its magnificent NASA’s Johnson Space Center. In 1969, it is in Huston where Apollo 11 spacecraft set out, for the first time in human history, to the outer space, and landed on the moon.





History and Culture

Huston is one of few United States cities with permanent and resident companies in all four major performing arts disciplines: theatre, ballet, opera, and music. Those diverse entertainments in Huston gain supports from the public as well as those professional associations, which include Culture and Art Committee of Huston, Fine Art Fund, Huston Municipal Art Committee, and so on. In addition, Huston provides various places for cultural activities, like Wortham Theatre Center, Jones Hall, Alley Theatre, and a concert hall for 3036 persons.





Natural Environment

Huston is the seat of Harris County, the most populous city in Texas, and the fourth most populous city in the United States. It is located on the Mexican gulf coastal plain, southeast of Texas, and is 80.45 kilometers from the gulf, with an altitude of 14.93 meters.






Huston’s climate is classified as humid subtropical, with an average temperature of 20.7 degrees centigrade, and an average rainfall of about 1224 mm annually. Summer here is hot and humid with as many as 94 days’ temperature a high of 33 degrees centigrade or above. 188 days of the whole year are with sunshine exposure, and the months of July to November see more hurricanes.

Information of Embassy and Consulate

Chinese Embassy in the United States

Address: 2300 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20008

Tel: (202)328-2500/01/02






Religion in the United States varies significantly, with a lot of characteristics, among which the basic one is the domination of Christianity. Other religions include Orthodox, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and so on. Christianity is a general religious system, and its three primary divisions are Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism. In terms of the number of followers and groupings, Protestantism is the largest one. Religion is deeply rooted in American society, and exerts great influence on almost every aspect of Americans’ life. For example, the words, “In God We Trust” are printed on the US dollars. In the national anthem of the United States, there is a line goes, “God bless America”. And, in the United States presidential inauguration, the president should put his hand on the Bible to take his oath.





Tourism Service Number

Emergency Contact Phone: 911





Festivals(Important/Historical/Folks Ones)

January 1: New Year’s Day

Monday of the third week in January: Birthday of Martin Luther King Jr.

Monday of the third week in February: Washington’s Birthday.

Monday of the fourth week in May: Memorial Day.

July 4: Independence Day.

Monday of the first week in September: Labor Day.

Monday of the second week in October: Columbus Day.

Thursday of the last week in November: Thanksgiving Day.

December 25: Christmas Day.


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