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Houston Symphony

Updated: 2014-07-21 / (visithoustontexas.com)

[Photo from visithoustontexas.com]

Founded in 1913, the Houston Symphony is one of America's oldest performing arts organizations, with a rich history of musical excellence.

The Houston Symphony fills each busy season with more than 170 concerts attended by an estimated 350,000 people each year. These concerts include:

The Classical Season, made up of the TOTAL Gold Classic Series, the Great Performers Series and the Shell Favorite Masters Series

The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pops at Jones Hall Series presented by BBVA-Compass

A gala Opening Night concert, sponsored by Conoco Phillips

Messiah performances at Christmas

Weatherford Family Concerts

The Chevron Fiesta Sinfonica Familiar

The Houston Chronicle Dollar Concert

Spec's Educational Foundation Salute to Educators concert.

During the summer, the orchestra performs in its summer home, The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, tours the region with free Sounds Like Fun! concerts for children and presents Summer Symphony Nights, a series of free concerts at Miller Outdoor Theatre, where it has performed for more than 60 years.


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