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Home> Destinations> Asia> Seoul> Shopping> Shopping Areas

Lotte Department Store

Updated: 2014-07-22 / (visitseoul.net)


[photo from visitseoul.net]

The flagship store of Lotte Department Store is one of Korea’s iconic shopping venues and features a wide variety of goods from reasonably priced Korean labels to world-famous luxury brands. The main branch also has a duty-free shop and a gallery, offering various attractions other than shopping. It is located close to Myeongdong, Korea’s largest shopping district, making it possible to enjoy a one-stop shopping experience.

A wide range of brands and friendly service

The flagship store is located in the heart of Seoul and has an excellent reputation for providing friendly service. The store also features a range of convenient facilities such as an infant lounge (with nursing room and bathroom), a stroller rental service, a storage facility for personal items and a customer lounge.

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