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Home> Destinations> Europe> Nice> Transportation

By boat

Updated: 2014-07-22 / (nicetourisme.com)
[Photo from nicetourisme.com]


At the foot of the Castle Hill, the Port of Nice, with its Genoan-style architecture, is made up of a 10-hectare stretch of water, 7 hectares of platforms, some ten wharves and provides over 500 berths.

It is located 7km from the Nice Côte d'Azur Airport and just a few minutes on foot from the main tourist sights.

The Port of Nice-Villefranche, a departure point as well as a port for transit and excursions, is one of the top French cruise ports with over 500,000 passengers.

Regular connections between Nice and Corsica.

Trips to Corsica, up to 7 departures daily from Nice port (in high season): 4 destinations, 2 lines.


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