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Home> Destinations> America> San Francisco> See> Historical

Fisherman's Wharf

Updated: 2014-07-23 / (sanfranciscotravel.cn)

[Photo from sanfranciscotravel.cn]

 More than 75 percent of San Francisco's visitors include Fisherman's Wharf on their itinerary. Waterfront marketplaces and the Wharf's famous fishing fleet make for a terrific fish story. Fishing boats, sea lions basking in the sun, seafood stalls, steaming crab cauldrons, seafood restaurants and sourdough French bread bakeries … you know you’re in world-famous Fisherman’s Wharf. Souvenir shops and historic ships add to the atmosphere. The historic F-Line streetcar and two cable car lines terminate in the area and sightseeing boats and boat charters link to Alcatraz ("The Rock") , Angel Island and other points around San Francisco Bay.


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