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Home> Destinations> Asia> Luoyang> Transportation

Luoyang High Speed Railway

Updated: 2014-07-24 / (english.cri.cn)

Zhengzhou and Luoyang, the two largest cities in Henan province, are highly intertwined with each other in terms of economic development. The section of the Longhai railway between Zhengzhou and Luoyang (from Lianyungang in Jiangsu Province to Lanzhou in Gansu Province) is one of the busiest sections of the railway line. More than 60 passenger trains travel between the two large cities every day, with five intercity trains from Luoyang to Zhengzhou. Despite the trains’ 6,000 -passenger capacity, the trains still fall short of keeping up with demand. It takes six hours to travel between the two cities.

Since the high-speed railway between Zhengzhou and Xi’an went into service, the previous six-hour trip between Zhengzhou and Luoyang has been shortened to 1.5 hours.

Passengers could take the high-speed railway from the Luoyang Longmen Railway Station, which is located in the new district of Luoyang city.

The new high-speed rail from Zhengzhou to Luoyang and Xi’an connects the three historic cities, making the cultural route to the three cities more convenient and popular. In fact, the high-speed railway has become the most efficient method for travel companies to attract clients.


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