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Home> Destinations> Asia> Busan> Shopping

Nampodong Street

Updated: 2014-07-25 / (visitkorea.or.kr)

[Photo from visitkorea.or.kr]

The theater district of Busan is packed with movie theaters and play houses, is the hosts location for the Busan International Film Festival (BIFF). To commemorate the BIFF every year the winners of the festival contribute copper plates imprinted with their hand and foot prints. These copper plates stretch far across the plaza walkways. The streets are especially crowded in October, when the films are being screened for the movie festival at local theaters.

It is during this time that you can also find various events revolving around the promotion of the movies featured at the festival. In the vicinity of Nampo-dong Street you can find Jagalchi Fish Market and Choryang Arcade for Foreigners. This well sought after area is flourishing with not only theaters, but many kinds of shops and eateries as well.


Address: Nampo-dong, Jung-gu, Busan-si

Type: Cultural Districts

Inquiries: • 1330 tt call center: +82-2-1330 (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese) • For more info: +82-51-253-8253 (Korean)

Homepage: english.bsjunggu.go.kr (Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese)

Closed: N/A (Open all year round)

Operating Hours: 24 hrs

Parking Facilities: Paid public parking lot available

Directions: [Subway] Nampo-dong Station (Busan Subway Line 1).


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