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Home> Destinations> America> San Francisco> To Know

Useful phone numbers

Updated: 2014-07-29 / (visitseoul.net)

[Photo from sanfrancisco.travel]

Emergency Numbers

In the event of an emergency, dial any of the following numbers:

Police Department: Tel. 112 (for theft, assault, and other crimes)

Fire Department/Ambulance: Tel. 119 (for general accidents and ambulance)

International Healthcare Center: Tel. 1339 (medical assistance for international visitors)

Tourist Information Center: Tel. 1330 (for any other tourism related assistance)

Tourism Call/Complaint Centers

For any general inquiries about Seoul, dial Tel. 02-120, ext. 9 (Dasan Call Center).

For any tourism related assistance, dial Tel. 1330 (Tourist Information Center).


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