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Home> Destinations> Europe> Helsinki> Experience> Sports and Recreations

Paloheinä Golf Ltd

Updated: 2014-08-05 / (visithelsinki.fi)

[Photo from visithelsinki.fi]

An open for all golf course in the north Helsinki area. A large driving range and a 9-hole course (only one in the party needs to have a green card). At Paloheinä Golf it is also possible to rent the equipment.

Address:mKuusmiehentie 13 00670 Helsinki

Telephone: +358 (0)9 756 2440

Website: www.paloheinagolf.fi

Email: caddiemaster@paloheinagolf.fi

Restaurants: Big Horn Steak House includes 80 seats indoors and 80 seast terrace. Big Horn Steak House also for parties or meetings.

Other services: All the rights to serve alcoholic drinks

Other meeting facilities: A cabinet for 20 people


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