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Home> Destinations> Asia> Dalian> See> Natural Scene

Binhai Road

Updated: 2014-08-13 / (wtcf.travel)

Introduction: If you come to Dalian by plane, as it flies over the city, look down and you may find “a dancing silk ribbon” lying between the southern mountains and the sea. This is Binhai Road. It offers a delightful sightseeing route and is one of the must-see attractions in Dalian. The road starts from Ocean Melody Square at its east and ends at Xinghai Square at its west. It is the best route for hiking and driving in town. The mountainous side features thriving trees and flourishing flowers. On the other side, the steep and rugged cliffs quicken one's breath and a vast expanse of calm, blue or misty rolling water delights one's eyes. The air in the region is so fresh that tourists call it a natural oxygen bar.


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