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Home> Destinations> Asia> Taiyuan> Shopping


Updated: 2014-08-13 / (wtcf.travel)

Taiyuan’s shopping venues are mainly spread along Yingze East Street, Wuyi Road, Jiefang South Road, Jianshe South Road and Kaihuasi Street. Some have a long history, such as Wuyi Department Store and Tianlong Plaza; others are emerging, such as, Arima Shopping Center, Imperial Garden Plaza and Guidu Department Store. If you want to have a look at Taiyuan’s folk customs, you may like to visit Liuxiang Commodity Street, Bell Tower Street and Liunan Night Market. These are all the most popular areas in Taiyuan; in particular, Liuxiang and Qiaotou Street are the most prosperous ones. They are overcrowded during the holidays.

Fenjiu Liquor and Zhu Ye Qing Wine are the most well-known native products in Taiyuan. In addition, Jishan jujube, Pinglu Lily, Puzhou green persimmon, Yuanqu kiwi fruit, Qingxu grape, Shangdang’s “dangshen”, Wenshan Duanmu ink slab, Gaoping silk, Pingyang wood board new year painting and Tuiguang paint are also some of the famous local specialties.


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