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Home> Destinations> Asia> Bandung> See> Natural Scene


Updated: 2014-08-16 / (bandungtourism.com)

[Photo from bandungtourism.com]

[Photo from bandungtourism.com]

Punclut sights with coordinates 6°50.842 S - 107°37.666 E is a hilly area that is located not far from the city of Bandung. On Sunday morning or any other holiday is usually a lot of visitors who come to this area with the goal of exercise. This is due to the streets around the tourist attraction that is quite uphill plus the coolness of fresh air that makes this location ideal for sporting activities such as walking in the morning.

Residents used to call Punclut. This region is the highest plateau in the nearby city of Bandung. The distance is 7 kilometers from downtown Bandung. Or, 3 km from the shopping Cihampelas. Strategic location that makes Punclut one of the favorite tourist urban areas on weekends. The surrounding air is still very fresh. In fact, if early in the morning here, we can still enjoy a mist or fog that slowly rose into the air. This is where visitors can truly understand, prove yourself, why the experts often refer to London as a geographical bowl. Along the road to the highest peak area family attractions, visitors will see the scenery is quite beautiful northern Bandung. Looking toward the south, will be seen a row of mountains Malabar, Patuha, and Waringin. The mountain is a kind of protective fortress Bandung.


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