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Situ Cileunca

Updated: 2014-08-16 / (bandungtourism.com)

[Photo from bandungtourism.com]

[Photo from bandungtourism.com]

Historically Situ Cileunca a private area of a Dutch citizen named Kuhlan who had settled in Pangalengan. In Situ Cileunca construction carried out in a long time ie for 7 years (1919-1926) to stem the flow of the river Cileunca time, so made that there was an end to a dam which is now named Dam Pulo.

Cileunca there are 45 kilometers south of Bandung and 185 kilometers from the city of Jakarta, Situ Cileunca at an altitude of 1550 meters above sea level and surrounded by two Malabar tea estate run by PTPN VIII, Situ Cileunca is not far from the district Pangalengan, a puddle of water covering an area of 180 is flanked by two acres of the Village Wanasari and Village pulosari . Uniquely in development is based on the story Situ Cileunca parents before it was built by many people but do not use a hoe but using halu.

Development of this Situ Cileunca commandeered by two smart people the skipper Arya and Mahesti. In the Dutch colonial era Situ Cileunca used as a source of electricity for the city of Bandung, in addition to the water discharge is also used as a backup source of water for the city of Bandung when his was with a capacity of 9.89 million M3 of water.


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