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Home> Destinations> Asia> Luoyang> Experience

Xiaolangdi Fall Visiting Festival

Updated: 2014-08-16 / (english.cri.cn)

[Photo: english.cri.cn]

The Xiaolangdi scenic site along the Yellow River is located in Mengjin County 40 kilometers to the north of Luoyang. Xiaolangdi is one of the most important and popular tourism spots in Henan Province. Once the Xiaolangdi Reservoir is fully stored, a lake with hundreds of islands will be formed.

The large number of islands makes it appear as though many meandering rivers are flowing through the foggy lake to the skyline, adding even more charm to the Yellow River. People who enjoy the beauty of nature will immediately fall in love with the scenic spot.

The Xiaolangdi Fall Visiting Festival is held in every June in Mengjin County, Luoyang.



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