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Home> Destinations> Asia> Luoyang> Shopping> Shopping Areas

Wanda Plaza

Updated: 2014-08-21 / (www.lyta.com.cn)

[Photo from www.lyta.com.cn]

Luoyang’s Wanda Plaza is the first of its kind invested in by the Wanda Group in Henan. It opened on Dec 22, 2009 and is the group’s 27th plaza. It sits at the center of Jianxi district’s business area and has 110,000 square meters in overall floorage. The plaza attracted a total investment of nearly one billion yuan and features department stores, a cinema, a home appliance supermarket, karaoke and large-scale chain supermarket. The plaza has become a landmark building cluster in Luoyang.

The plaza is close to the five-star Huayang Hotel. It runs from Zhujiang Road in the east to Liaoning Road in the south, to Linxin Road in the west, and to the Luoyang juvenile culture center in the north.

Address: No 170, Liaoning Road, Jianxi district

Tel: 0379-65580880


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