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Home> Destinations> America> Toronto> Experience> Festivals

Toronto International Film Festival

Updated: 2014-08-23 / (seetorontonow.com)

[photo from seetorontonow.cn]

The Toronto International Film Festival is the most successful public film festival in the world. World premieres, galas, shmoozes and parties comprise this illustrious event where stars, directors and industry honchos make the rounds. If you’re a cinephile or simply just love to experience new and innovative films, the Festival is the place to be.

With over 300 films ranging from star-studded Hollywood dramas to raw & unscripted documentaries, TIFF (a.k.a. The Festival of Festivals) has something for every type of film buff.

From star-studded after-parties to red-carpet premieres, TIFF has a reputation for bringing the hottest celebs to Toronto. With A-listers including Kristen Stewart, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Kiera Knightly rumored to be making an appearance this year, TIFF’s 2014 event is no exception.


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