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Home> Destinations> Asia> Macao> Experience> Sports and Recreations

Greyhound Racing

Updated: 2014-11-14 / (macautourism.gov.mo)

Greyhound racing - which emerged in its recognizable modern form, featuring oval tracks, with the invention of the mechanical hare in 1912 - has a long history in Macau, with 6-8 greyhounds in each race outfitted in different coloured vests for easy identification. Once the electric-motored rabbit powers away from the start, the greyhounds chase it, cheered on by spectators who can bet on the winner. Greyhound racing can be attended per nightly schedules.

Address: Avenida General Castelo Branco

Hotline: (853) 2833 3399 (Macau); (800) 932 199 (toll free)(Hong Kong)

Website: http://www.macaudog.com/


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