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Home> Destinations> Africa> Abuja

Abuja City's Asokoro District

Updated: 2015-01-16 / (abujacity.com)


Asokoro District is the most significant of all the districts, housing all of the state's lodges/guest houses, therefore containing the highest concentration of government officials at any given time.

The Ibb Golf Club and The National Children's Park and Zoo are among the attractions found in this district.

The ECOWAS secretariat is also a focal point of interest. Asokoro is located to the east of Garki district and south of Central district.

It is one of the most exclusive districts of Abuja and houses virtually all of the federal cabinet ministers; in addition, the Presidential Residence (Aso Rock) is located in Asokoro district. By virtue of this fact, Asokoro is also the most secured area of the city.


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