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Home> Destinations> Europe> Riga> Experience> Sports and Recreations


Updated: 2015-03-11 / (liveriga.com)

[Photo from liveriga.com]

Club "Velozaurs" was set up by the union of cycling friends "Apokalipses jātnieki" (Riders of the Apocalypse) as a place for regular meetings of cycling enthusiasts and for various cultural events.

The club is home to several odd-bikes constructed over the past few years. An odd-bike is an original and unique bicycle made from old bicycle parts and metal cuttings. Visitors to "Velozaurs" can see photographs of odd-bikes being made, talk to odd-bike creators or buy an "Apokalipses jātnieki" souvenir. They may also ask an odd-bike owner for permission to take a ride on it - but they must be warned that these unusual vehicles may be as odd to steer or ride.

At the bar, which is open when various events take place at the club, visitors can learn about the right way to open a beer bottle and see how various bicycle parts have been integrated into the design of the bar. "Velozaurs" also offers help if your bike requires technical assistance.



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