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Oranienstraße + Bergmannstraße

Updated: 2014-06-12 / (visitberlin.de)

Kreuzberg: this is the true shopping paradise for all those on the look out for something special and outlandish: not only old records, rummage, vintage fashion but also young fashion and original design.


Bergmannstraße in Kreuzberg is not exactly a classic shopping street, but the small shops interspersed with cafés and restaurants do offer an insider’s tip of one kind or another. Alongside long-established rummage and second-hand shops, new boutiques have opened up – stylish hats at Coy art to wear - Hutkunst aus Berlin (Berlin Hat Art), and the bag to match at BagAge.

Highly typical for Berlin is the Markthalle (Market Hall) am Marheinekeplatz, built in 1862 and steeped in tradition, which today offers fresh regional organic products.

Lovers of mystery and crime novels need look no further than the Hammett Bookstore, where thrillers ranging from Agatha Christie through to Stieg Larson await their bloodthirsty readers. To recover from this, the famous Barcomi´s Café. offer an excellent coffee (as well as a delicious cheese cake or blueberry muffin).


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