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Wuhan attends World Tourism Cities Federation Beijing summit

Updated: 2013-10-09 (wtcf.travel)

Wuhan attended the 2013 World Tourism Cities Federation Beijing Fragrant Hills Tourism Summit which was held from Sept 11 to 14 in Beijing, hubeitour.gov.cn reported.


The World Tourism Cities Federation (WTCF) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that was created by Beijing and other tourist destinations around the world.


The federation, with 107 member cities and institutions, has been recognized by the United Nations, and Wuhan was one of the first cities in China to join. It was also the only city from central China to attend this month’s summit.


During the event, more than 50 tourist destinations from around the globe showcased their major attractions in displays on Wangfujing. Wuhan prepared pamphlets and took part in the event.


In addition, representatives from Wuhan, Harbin, Budapest and Geneva held a discussion on tourism planning and high-quality tourism services at a forum on Sept 13.


Xu Xuqun, deputy director of the Wuhan Tourism Administration, met with Fotis Provatas, chairman of the Athens Municipal Council, and they discussed cooperation opportunities. Provatas said that Athens would like to cooperate with Wuhan in agriculture, in addition to tourism.


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