Push for Eco Protection and Sustainable Tourism in Sanya

Publish Time:2017-01-19 14:48:16Source:http://en.sanyatour.com/

【Introduction】:Blessed with incredible natural beauty, Sanya hosts more than ten million visitors each year. Like any large industry, tourism can put stress on the natural environment, heritage and people – the very treasures that you come to experience. Sustainable tourism in the city is about protecting, enhancing and conserving these resources for the enjoyment of future residents and visitors.

(Source: Sanya Tourism)

Blessed with incredible natural beauty, Sanya hosts more than ten million visitors each year. Like any large industry, tourism can put stress on the natural environment, heritage and people – the very treasures that you come to experience. Sustainable tourism in the city is about protecting, enhancing and conserving these resources for the enjoyment of future residents and visitors.

To maintain sustainable tourism development, the local government has mapped out effective mangrove conservation policies to help prevent negative consequences from human activities and restore the ecology of its shores, rivers and mountains.

The Blue Ribbon Ocean Conservation Society, based in Sanya, has organized several large marine protection projects, including a beach and river rubbish cleanup, public lectures on marine environment protection, and volunteer recruitment to assist with coastline inspections and monitoring. Meanwhile, a large of beach vegetation has been cultivated in Sanya Bay to maintain beach stability, improve the landscape and serve as protection against coastal erosion.

(Source: Sanya Tourism)

To improve the water quality in the rivers, the city also launched rainwater and sewage diversion reconstruction projects, control land-based pollution sources and add more sewage treatment plants to tackle pollution of rivers across the city.

One of the most appealing features of Sanya is its lush forests and mountains. To allow residents and tourists to enjoy the beauty of these tropical greenery, more public ecological and wetland parks have been constructed, provide more spaces for leisure and physical exercise for residents and tourists in the city.

(Source: Sanya Tourism)

Individuals and organizations are being encouraged to invest in projects that would help the city meet its pollution-reduction goals.

Sanya has many places– including its natural rivers — where you can embrace ecologically and culturally sustainable practices while having a great adventure.

Sanya River 三亚河

(Source: Sanya Tourism)

Sanya River, also call Sanya City’s “mother river,” is well known in the region for its scenic landscape and its centrality to the city.

The river is composed of two watersheds: the Dong River and the Xi River. These two watersheds join up at the Sanya Port and then flow into the South China Sea.

The Sanya River is picturesque and adorned with charming views. A leisurely stroll along the Sanya River has become a must for visitors to Sanya. Well-lit walking paths run along both banks, with pavilions and lush greenery dotted all around.

Ningyuan River 宁远河

(Source: Sanya Tourism)


Ningyuan River is the fourth largest river in Hainan, following Nandu River, Changhua River, and Wanquan River.

The river has a length of 90.2 kilometers and drains an area of 986 square kilometers.

Originating in the Xian’an Stone Forest in Baoting County, the Ningyuan River flows from the west and north plains to Sanya and empties into the South China Sea near the Gangmen Village of Yacheng in Yazhou District.

Tengqiao River 藤桥河

(Source: Sanya Tourism)


Originating in the Angri Ridge in Baoting County, this river flows generally southeast to Sanya and empties into Haitang Bay.

The river has a length of 56 kilometers and drains an area of 700 square kilometers. It is one of two rivers with an area more than 500 square kilometers running from Sanya district into the sea.

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