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Badaling Great Wall

Updated: 2014-05-28 / (ebeijing.gov.cn)
[Photo from visitbeijing.com.cn]
[Photo from visitbeijing.com.cn]

[Photo from visitbeijing.com.cn]

The Badaling Great Wall locates on the ridge of the northern part of the GuanGou. Here, two peaks face to face, there is an alley between them two and it's a very strategic place. Because of the importance of the Badaling, it has been the place that the military fight against for. The Badaling became the martial strongpoint from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The Badaling Great Wall was rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Great Wall is no longer a simple high wall, but a rigorous recovery system. Ningxia, Shanxi, Shangxi, Heibei all have the parts of the Great Wall. Many Guan cities and short walls were built in this important place. Since the Qing Dynasty, the Badaling Great Wall has been becoming deserted. The city towers to west of Guan city had been destroyed severity. After the State Department decided to repair it, the Great Wall had been rehabilitated several times.

The Badaling Great Wall resounds in the whole world. It is the first part which opens to tourist of the Great Wall. The Badaling Great Wall is the soul of the whole Great Wall, and it is welcoming the tourist  from the whole world. The man who has visited The Great Wall is all acclaimed as the peak of perfection.

Service hotline of the Tourist Center: 8610-69121226

The full-scene cinema of the Great Wall at the Badaling Section Beijing Great Wall Full-scene Cinema Co. is situated in the Great Wall Tourist Scenic Area, and its main business is to show cineorama films.

The cineorama film adopts advanced technology and stereo-audio system to show on the 360 annular screen the relics of the over 6,000-km Great Wall and the climate changes of spring, summer, autumn and winter of the Great Wall, as well as stories about the Wall in history (about the First Emperor Qin's accending to the throne and the legendary stories about the Girl Mengjiang), the warfare, the history of the Great Wall and its present state.

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