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Beijing Botanical Garden

Updated: 2014-05-28 / (ebeijing.gov.cn)


The Beijing Botanical Garden, lying at the foot of the West Hill of Beijing, has by tradition been engaged in the conservation of the native flora, especially plants from northern, northeastern and northwestern China. Its attention is also concentrated on research, public education and recreation.

A large area is currently opened to the public, including living plant collections, historic sites and a nature reserve. Excellent displays are made monthly in the main conservatory penjing (bonsai) garden, the arboretum and 14 outdoor gardens which include: a peony garden, rose garden, ornamental peach garden, lilac garden, crabapple garden, magnolia garden, fall color garden, perennial garden, bamboo garden and flower garden. There are more than 4 million visitors every year from domestic and overseas.

Highlights of the Collection

Several gardens here are very outstanding to China because the selective collections receive constant research. These gardens are also very instructive for local people to understand botany and horticulture.

About 700 rose varieties are grown in the rose garden which covers a large area. With European style, a hidden fountain and a cascade make an open theatre with hybrid tea roses, miniature roses, antique roses and wild roses along the pathway.

The ornamental peach is very decorative in Chinese tradition. The ornamental peach garden was completed at the beginning of 1980. Flowering plum forsythia and cherries sent by Japanese friends can be found in the garden too. Rich multicolored flowers cover the entire hillside during the spring blooming. New breeding programs are developed constantly for the cultivation of new color and early blossom varieties.

China is believed to have the most species of lilac in the world. Lilacs have long been grown as one of the ornamental plants. The lilac garden, covering an a large area, was first completed in the end of 1950's and then extended at the beginning of the 1980’s and now 22 species of lilacs are currently collected here. The blooming time may last about 6 weeks depending on the different varieties. The garden is searching for new varieties from North America & Europe and looking forward to financial support for the project. The arboretum is also a highlight of the garden. It is composed of conifers, maples, poplars, magnolias and many other tree species. The woods provide relaxation and comfort for visitors. It is also holds one of the biggest conifer collection in China.


There is a visitor entrance and attended parking (for a fee) at South Gate. Parking lot opens at 8 am and close at 6pm. There is no overnight parking. Buses only when space permits.


1. Na Jia Xiaoguan serves Manchu dishes in a quaint indoor courtyard setting. The Na family's signature dish is huang tanzi, a thick soup that is slow-cooked in an earthen pot at least for 18 hours long. There are seven types offered ranging from 38RMB to 208RMB/per person, depending on the ingredients in the soup. The broth is made from chicken, duck, bone marrow, pork bones and ham, and then mushrooms, seafood, or beef tendon are is added.

Recommended dishes: Mizi supi xia (crispy shrimps in sweet sauce), Diced chicken with walnuts (kongpao chicken minus the mala-chillis and Sichuan peppercorn are omitted), and Conghua bing, or scallion pancakes, a typical northern staple. The names of the dishes on the novel menu are carved on small sticks of wood that are placed in two wooden trays. Add: No. 29 Xiangshanyikesong (South of Jizhuyuan Crossroad) Tel: 010-82598588

2. Sculpting in Time It is a comfortable western-style coffee shop that features a study and chat space and provides coffee, pasta dishes, pizza and desserts amid shelves of books and crafts. Add: Xiangshan area, 50 Xiangshan Maimai Jie, Haidian District Tel:010-8259 8296

3. Xibei Youmian Cun is a hybrid of Mongolian and Shanxi fare. The signature dish is youmian wowo (steamed oatmeal noodles) served with mushroom (sushijun retang) or lamb (yangrou retang) broth, with coriander and chili on the side. Familiar yangrou chuan'r (mutton skewers with cumin) and yogurt (suannai) with honey make excellent side dishes while the house salad (Xibei da bancai) is a meal in itself, crammed with unusual ingredients such as wild greens, radish, purple cabbage, and topped with a delicious sesame dressing. The one dish you must try is zhijicao kao niupai (lotus leaf-wrapped roast beef with mountain herbs).


Address: No.88 Xiangshan South Road, Haidian District

Tel: +86 10 62597778/65297028

Traffic:Bus No. 331, 634, 696, 714, 733, 318, 360 and get off at Beijing Botaanical Park



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