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Tibidabo and Collserola

Updated: 2014-06-19 / (barcelonaturisme.com)


The rivers Llobregat and Besós mark the geographical boundaries of the Collserola massif with Mount Tibidabo as its tallest point and the omnipresent symbol of the city. Tibidabo is also a metropolitan park with lush green areas, streams and viewing points overlooking the city, such as the amusement park and the Collserola Tower.


The church of the Sagrat Cor, designed by Enric Sagnier and built between 1902 and 1961, and the Collserola Tower, which dates from 1992, can be seen silhouetted against the Barcelona skyline. They are accessible by the blue tram, or Tramvia blau, a vintage means of transport that came into service in 1901 and runs as far as the lower funicular station, which was built to provide access to the Tibidabo Amusement Park at the top of Tibidabo, 512 metres above sea level. The park combines the flavour of vintage rides and amusements with more modern attractions.


However, the most spectacular views can be enjoyed from the communications tower designed by the British architect Norman Foster, which stands 560 metres above sea level. One side of the observation deck boasts spectacular views of Barcelona below and the other offers vistas of the Vallès plain. In the middle, there is a protected natural corridor which was named the Parc Metropolità de Collserola in 1987. This is an especially lush area of natural park, unknown to many, which can be explored on foot or by bike along the road known as the Carretera de les Aigües.


In nearby Vallvidrera, you can visit the Vil·la Joana, which houses the Casa-Museu Verdaguer. This is where the Catalan writer spent the last few weeks of his life and is just one example of Collserola and Barcelona’s rich and varied history.


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