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Antoni Gaudí’s

Updated: 2014-06-19 / (barcelonaturisme.com)


No other neighbourhood in Barcelona better encapsulates traditional charm and vibrant modernity than Gràcia. Formerly a separate village, it now forms the core of the Barcelona’s 6th district, which also includes other neighbourhoods such as Vallcarca, Penitents and La Salut.

The centre of the neighbourhood of La Salut is home to one of Antoni Gaudí’s most outstanding masterpieces: Park Güell. This garden-city project was commissioned by Eusebi Güell and, although it was never completed, Gaudí really made his mark here. The result is a public park full of imagination, fantasy and colour. Every detail of Park Güell expresses Gaudí’s desire to integrate architecture into the surrounding natural setting.

The village of Gràcia was established to the south of La Salut in the 17th century around the Convent dels Josepets, now the Plaça Lesseps, and remained separate from the city until 1897.

Today, a stroll through the narrow streets and squares of Gràcia is one of the many pleasures awaiting visitors to Barcelona. The food markets, such as the Mercat de l’Abaceria and the Mercat de la Llibertat, unusual bars and restaurants, squares, examples of Catalan art nouveau, or modernista style, such as the Casa Vicens and the Casa Fuster, the shops spanning many generations and Gràcias’ festival, which is a real must, comprise an attractive, vibrant mosaic.

The life of a neighbourhood with a long-standing cultural, artistic and sporting tradition which is reflected in countless recreational and cultural associations and institutions.



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